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People in self pity, blame others, take offenses and are usually selfish, and they really don’t want to fight, they want God to change His Word. They want God to do something for them besides the Finished Work of Christ. We have all, at times, had this attitude. And we need to Repent ….
Listen to Audio —Veterans Self-Pity and Depression
Self-Pity Audio:
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We have all spent time in self pity, and when we go there the oppressors love it. They know it is one of the most dangerous places a Christian can go, because they know if we stay there we will end up blaming God and we will quit the fight. Get rid of any self pity, “Poor old me, I have been fighting this all these years.”
In reality those are demons and they want you to blame God. The blame is not God’s. It is ours. Not spending enough time with God, not reading the Word properly in order to understand what is spiritually going on here.
What is the opposite of self pity? Murmuring and complaining and blaming others? No.
Self pity is from hell. What is the opposite of self pity? Gratitude
Be thankful to Jesus Christ that you are saved.
Rejoice! Thank Him for your health, Thank Him, Thank Him and Thank Him again and again.
Make a list of all the good things in your life, “All good things come from above”, James 1:17.
The more you Thank Him the less you will be in self pity or murmuring, and you must kill all self pity, if you want to escape any oppression.
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thess. 5:18